Covid-19 Update


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As of Jan 2nd 2022  it seems that the Omicron variant of Covid-19 is hitting a very large number of people and there is a need for much greater care to reduce the spread of this dangerous virus.

We are very fortunate in the TPN network to have been able to maintain our full services throughout this epidemic, and we are anxious that this should continue with no service interruption.

We have taken great care with mask wearing, hand sanitising, and avoiding creating “spreader events” whenever possible.

We also strongly advise everyone to get all possible vaccinations and boosters at the earliest possible opportunity.

Please remember that there are still between five and ten people dying in Ireland every day from the effects of Covid.

Please ensure that anyone visiting any of the 25 TPN sites in Ireland complies fully with our Covid-19 safety protocols, and is fully vaccinated.

Avoid shaking hands

Wear (good quality) masks properly

Sanitise hands at every opportunity

Avoid close proximity to others as much as possible

Be fully vaccinated & boosted

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