Environmental Highly Commended – At the SFA National Small Business Awards 2012on Thursday 08 March are from (L-R) Ian Martin, Chairman, SFA, Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD with Kieran Duffy, Nicola Finegan and Seamus McGowan all from The Pallet Network, who were highly commended in the Environmental Sustainability category with Brian Motherway Chief Operations Officer, SEAI, sponsor of the Environmental Sustainability Award.
The Pallet Network team were presented with the award in the Environmental Sustainability Category at the Small Firms Association Awards ceremony in Trinity College on 08 March.The Highly Commended award was presented by Richard Bruton to the TPN team. Seamus McGowan MD TPN said ” we have made serious efforts to decrease our Carbon Footprint both within the TPN 100 000 sq ft premises and throughout the 23 network members, we are very pleased to receive this award”